Has anyone seen the new Coolway ads on YouTube? You know, the ones with the jerk woman eating her jerk ice cream and doing and encouraging jerk things?
If not, here they are:
Now that we've got that out of the way, I've got to ask: Why?
Why do people think that mean-spiritedness is funny? (These ads...are...supposed to be funny...right? Was that the intention?) Sure, we've all let the elevator door close maybe once or twice when someone else is coming. But we know it's not exactly the nicest thing to do, and we definitely aren't smug about it afterwards like little miss ice cream over here. And encouraging the cat to break the trophy! What's with that? That's something that's important to whomever owns that trophy, being a symbol of accomplishment and all, and this woman just lets it get destroyed. She doesn't even clean it up at all.
"No need to feel guilty."
Excuse me?
Maybe I'm taking this a bit too seriously, but that's really such a jerk move. "No need to feel guilty" says the ice cream company to the apathetic, sneering, ice-cream-eater. You can be all the jerk you want, because our slogan mirrors how guilty you ordinarily feel about eating ice cream and ties it to how this product isn't as bad for you! You don't have to feel guilty! So go on, keep on being a jerk! Because you don't need to feel guilty!
What kind of message is that?
And why do I get the feeling that the next ad in this campaign is going to involve an orange jumpsuit? (Not gonna lie; that would be a great ad...)
I sure hope that people who watch these ads think, "Wow, that's a real jerk move!" and not, "Mwahahaha, time to wreack havoc and not feel a scoop of guilt!"
Give me a break. Coolway, please try something else. The world is mean enough as it is without you encouraging that meanness and encouraging your viewers to destroy property and letting them think it's okay.
You're better than that, Coolway. You even have a great company name. You could have done so much with this. Cut the crap, get rid of the jerks, and show me the real Coolway. The world needs more kindness. That's the Cool Way to live.
I can't wait to see where you go from here.